What follows is a comprehensive breakdown of alcohol-related expenses I incurred between the years of 1992-2012. Numbers were compiled using a combination of bank statements, credit card statements, check receipts, invoices, bar bills, municipal fines, court documents, legal receipts and cocktail napkins. Obviously, it’s next to impossible to hit a 20-year figure like this on the nose. But rest assured, no totals were included that could not be substantiated by some type of tangible proof. On the rare occasion close estimates did become necessary, the policy was to always err on the side of caution, thereby avoiding any irresponsible inflation. Accuracy was – and is – the constant goal.
Associated legal fees: $1,005
Bars/Alcohol/Nights Out Drinking: $2,792.26
Associated costs (Taxis, fees, house beer, etc.): $790.96
Associated legal fees/police fines: $2,600
2011 Total: $6,183.22
Bars/Alcohol/Nights Out Drinking: $2,436.10
Associated costs (Taxis, fees, house beer, etc.): $357
Associated legal fees/police fines: $25
2010 Total: $2,818.10
Bars/Alcohol/Nights Out Drinking: $4,620.74
Associated costs (Taxis, fees, house beer, etc.): $332.49
2009 Total: $4,953.23
Bars/Alcohol/Nights Out Drinking: $3,270.55
Associated costs (Taxis, fees, house beer, etc.): $186.30
2008 Total: $3,456.85
Bars/Alcohol/Nights Out Drinking: $6,622.57
Associated costs (Taxis, fees, house beer, etc.): $614.00
2007 Total: $7,236.57
Bars/Alcohol/Nights Out Drinking: $7,851.85
Associated costs (Taxis, fees, house beer, etc.): $246.00
2006 Total: $8,097.85
Bars/Alcohol/Nights Out Drinking: $5,125.00
Associated costs (Taxis, fees, house beer, etc.): $634.00
Associated legal fees/police fines: $100
2005 Total: $5,859.00
Bars/Alcohol/Nights Out Drinking: $14,726.50
Associated costs (Taxis, fees, house beer, etc.): $916.25
2000-2004 Total: $15,642.75
Bars/Alcohol/Nights Out Drinking: $17,247.75
Associated costs (Taxis, fees, house beer, etc.): $1,460.00
Associated legal fees/police fines: $360
1999-1995 Total: $19,067.75
Bars/Alcohol/Nights Out Drinking: $1,350.00
Associated costs (Taxis, fees, house beer, etc.): $2,610.00
Associated legal fees/police fines: $400
1992-1994 Total: $4,360
GRAND TOTAL (1992-2012): $78,681.87
Day 162
(Moving On is a regular feature on IFB.)