Moving On: An Alphabetical List of 57 Ailments, Injuries & Conditions That My Binge Drinking Has Either Caused or Contributed to Over the Years

  1. wile-e-coyoteAnorgasmia
  2. Anxiety
  3. Black eye (result of being punched)
  4. Bleeding gums
  5. Broken knuckle
  6. Brush burns
  7. Bloody nose (result of being punched)
  8. Chest pains
  9. Chills
  10. Chipped tooth
  11. Chronic fatigue
  12. Depression
  13. Diarrhea
  14. Disorientation
  15. Dizziness
  16. Dry heaves
  17. Edema
  18. Extreme bloating
  19. Facial contusions
  20. Fat lip (result of being punched)
  21. Fever
  22. Forehead gash (result of running head-on into a cement column)
  23. Fractured metatarsal
  24. Heart palpitations
  25. Hot flashes
  26. Hypoglycemia
  27. Hyperglycemia
  28. Hyperventilation
  29. Impotence
  30. Increased blood pressure
  31. Irritability
  32. Knife wound (fingers sliced wide open)
  33. Laryngitis/loss of voice
  34. Memory loss
  35. Migraine headaches
  36. Mouth ulcers
  37. Muscle weakness/tightness
  38. Nausea
  39. Nocturnal enuresis (AKA bedwetting)
  40. Panic attacks
  41. Paranoia
  42. Poison ivy
  43. Rash
  44. Receding gumline
  45. Severe dehydration
  46. Severe lacerations
  47. Shaking/tremors
  48. Sprained ankle
  49. Sprained knee
  50. Sprained wrist
  51. Strained back
  52. Strained neck
  53. Sun poisoning
  54. Vitamin deficiency
  55. Vomiting
  56. Weight gain
  57. Weight loss

Day 557

(Moving On is a regular feature on IFB)

©Copyright Bob Hill