Film Capsule: Silent House


Fact: Silent House will scare the living shit out of you.

But it will only scare the living shit out of you if you watch it uninterrupted, in a dark space, with all cell phones, laptops, and other worldly distractions completely blocked out.

The reason for this is simple: Silent House is a classic horror flick, so gripping and intense it makes you feel as if you’ve suddenly become immersed, sucked down, trapped helplessly beneath the surface. 

Every minute detail of the film, right down to the lighting and the white noise, has been intricately thought out, in an attempt to maximize the tension. The result is a 90-minute adrenaline rush, that sucks you in so deep and fast, you can actually feel the fight-or-flight response kick in.

The entire movie was shot as one continuous, single-camera take – a risky maneuver which actually works in the film’s favor by creating a sense of intimacy, as if you’re trapped inside the nightmare alongside Elizabeth Olsen.

When she runs, you run. Whe she screams, you scream. When she feels something clawing at her from just beyond the shadows, you brace yourself against the gathering gloom.

Elizabeth Olsen is to Silent House what Tom Hanks was to Castaway. Her performance rendered even more remarkable, given the fact there is no night and day, no changing of seasons, no volleyball named Wilson for Olsen to bounce her ideas off of.

There is only silence – silence and an unknown house of horrors so vile and obscene, it keeps you reeling in panic, right up until that final moment, at which point the film takes a sharp left turn, disintegrating into exactly what you’ve spent the past 40 minutes desperately hoping it would not.

Regardless of the outcome, you should definitely go see Silent House uninterrupted, in a dark space, with all cell phones, laptops, and other worldly distractions completely blocked out.

I guarantee this movie will scare the living shit out of you.

And, really, what more can you ask from a 90-minute horror movie?

(Silent House opens nationwide on Friday, March 9th)